Year 1 2023 - 2024

Miss Purcell

Welcome to Year One!

Teacher: Miss J Purcell

Teaching Assistants: Mrs P Odell, Mrs M Fisher, Miss K Thompson, Mrs M Heath

Useful Information

PE and Swimming 

Our PE days this half term are Tuesdays. Your child can come to school in their PE kit.

Swimming is on a Friday, children must bring their swimming kits in a rucksack/backpack.2.png

Forest School

Our Forest School days are Wednesday. Your child can come to school in their Forest School kit and bring a bag with wellies/waterproofs. These clothes should be clothes you are not worried about getting muddy. We ask that children's arms and legs are covered to protect them from stings/scratches.

Homework/Reading Books-

Maths homework will be marked each Friday. Please complete 1 Summer Term workout each week.

Reading books and Lending Library books are changed on a Thursday.


Summer Term 2 Learning 2024



Our Read to Write text this half term is 'The Secret of Black Rock' by Joe Todd-Stanton. We will be using this story as inspiration to write our own Return Stories and Postcards.




Our White Rose blocks this half term focus on Multiplication and Division, Fractions, Position and Direction, Place Value (Within 100), Money and Time. 


download (2).png


Plants: Introduction to Plants

Identifying and naming a variety of plants and investigating what plants need to grow. 


How have explorers changed the world?

Explain what explorers do, name important explorers, sequence events on a timetline, describe significant events.

Design Technology-

Cooking and Nutrition: Preparing foods by cutting and juicing and selecting fruits and vegetables to create a smoothie to meet a design brief.




Judaism: What do Jewish people remember on Shabbat?

What can we find about Judaism by exploring a synagogue? Why is going to synagogue important to Jews?

What is the role of the rabbi? Is it similar or different to other leaders of religious/non-religious worldviews?



Athletics and Swimming



In My Happy Mind this half term we will be completing the 'Celebrate' module before moving onto the 'Appreciate' module.



Files to Download


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